Coconut Yogurt FAQs

Here are 12 frequently asked questions about vegan coconut yogurt in general and Daissy coconut yogurt in partitular:

1.  What is vegan coconut yogurt?

    Vegan coconut yogurt is a dairy-free alternative to traditional yogurt, made primarily from coconut milk and live cultures. It's suitable for vegans, lactose-intolerant individuals, and those who prefer plant-based diets.

    2.  How is vegan coconut yogurt made?

    It's made by fermenting coconut milk/cream with specific vegan-friendly bacterial cultures. This process thickens the mixture and gives it a tangy flavor similar to traditional yogurt.

    3.  What are the cultures that Daissy uses to culture coconut yogurt?

    Probiotics: L. acidophilus, B. lactis.

    Bacteria: S. thermophilus, L. Bulgaricus.

    4.  How can I be sure that the good bacteria are live and active?

    Good bacteria are living microorganisms so their viability is highly sensitive to heat. Our yogurt is pot set without any heat treatment after culturing. This way their health-promoting properties are kept intact.

    5.  Daissy’s unflavored coconut yogurt is labelled ‘no added sugar’. Why do I still detect some sweetness?

    The fresh cold pressed coconut cream that our yogurt is crafted with is naturally sweet so there is no need to add sugar to it. The long & slow culturing process breaks down much of the sweetness, some still remains at the end but just enough to add a pleasant touch to the finished product.

    6.  Is Daissy coconut yogurt gluten-free?

    Yes, it is!

    7.  How does the taste of vegan coconut yogurt compare to regular yogurt?

    Vegan coconut yogurt has a creamy, slightly tangy taste, similar to traditional yogurt, but with a distinct coconut flavor. The texture is often creamy and thick, though this can vary by brand.

    8.  How can I be sure that Daissy coconut yoghurt 100% non-dairy, vegan?

    Because all the ingredients we use are, including the cultures.

    Yogurt cultures are normally grown in a milk-based medium like skim milk and then extracted. For those of us out there who are highly sensitive to dairy, the best way is to use 100% non-dairy, vegan cultures grown in a plant-based medium.

    Getting them is not easy because they are not readily available (a relatively new thing) and only a few food ingredient manufacturers in the world make them.

    After spending a huge amount of time searching far and wide, we have finally got hold of the product that ticks all of our boxes. We take great pride in being able to give you the freshest and finest vegan yogurt you can find!

    9.  Can vegan coconut yogurt be used in cooking?

    Absolutely! It can be used in a variety of recipes, including smoothies, dressings, baking, and as a substitute for dairy yogurt in many dishes.

    10.  Is vegan coconut yogurt high in calories?

    The calorie content can vary depending on the brand and any added ingredients. Generally, it's comparable to regular yogurt, though often higher in healthy fats due to the coconut content.

    11.  Is vegan coconut yogurt a good source of protein?

    It typically has less protein than dairy-based yogurt. However, some brands may fortify their products with plant-based proteins.

    12.  How should I store vegan coconut yogurt?

    Like dairy yogurt, it should be stored in the refrigerator and consumed by the use-by date on the packaging to ensure freshness and safety.